More Pears

Pears, watercolor

I’ve been using watercolor. Not something I learned in college or used back then when I felt more like an artist. My school was traditional and only taught oil painting. I started to experiment with this medium after my daughter was born and I was (again) trying to squeeze in some art time. I wanted something less toxic and easier to clean. So far it’s a love/hate relationship.

Pears, watercolor
Pears, watercolor
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Produce and Weapons

2 Pears 2 Bullets, watercolor

This is a combination that interests me for a couple of reasons. I began thinking about it when I first started living with my husband. He was in the army and the combination of things that would end up on our dining table caught my attention. Years later, inspired by motherhood, I started to be more interested in what is in the food we eat. I read a lot of unsettling articles. Food and more obviously, potentially dangerous gadgets no longer seemed so dissimilar. I’m still searching for the right result but this is a theme that I’m not ready to let go.

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